It Gets Better :)

It has been 2 weeks today since my sweet missionary left and honestly I am hanging in there...I am just staying busy. That's really the key. Being involved with positive activities to pass the time really helps. Going to school, having a job, spending time with family and friends, even with his family helps a lot because they are all going through a similar experience. They can understand. :)
It's especially hard for any missionary girlfriend to go through this alone. People will criticize no doubt, but you have got to think to yourself.."Why does their opinion matter to me? They don't know how much he means to me and I mean to him." You just got to brush off the negativity because that isn't going to make you any happier or feel any better. YOU decide when YOU are happy.
I know this is easier said than done though. These two years aren't always going to be rainbows and unicorns I is just sad how people can be so mean.
Well anyways, yesterday morning my best friend left the MTC and flew out to Florida. Of course I worry sick about him but I know Heavenly Father will protect and bless him so much. I know that everyone here back at home will also be blessed tremendously and this will all be worth it.
Today I miss him a lot. I really haven't actually sat down and thought about how much I miss him until today and I'm trying not to cry lol (good thing I didn't wear make up today) I will be at work soon though so I'll be ok. Well I just thought I should share today since I need to get into a better habit of blogging about my journey and adventures. Love you ladies! Hang in there!

emily sarah ♥
