The Prom Hair

In March I was able to go to prom with my amazing boyfriend . We were both so excited and it was going to be our last prom. It was so wonderful and everything I had hoped for. REALLY! :) My hair was gorgeous and my dress was so stunning. I truly felt like a princess and he was my prince. He looked so handsome and charming haha :) His wonderful mother did my hair and I loved it! The best do yet!

We got the crisscross idea off of Pinterest of course! I instantly fell in love. It was beautiful!
She also added braids on the side called "S" braids, cute little gems that were just attached to my hair with Velcro  and glitter hairspray which I really hoped didn't get in his dad's brand new car haha

So there is my hair! I don't have the pictures of my dress yet. I still need to take them off my dad's camera which I can't find right now so I promise that will go up soon too!
Love ya lots!

emily sarah ♥
