So, I am sitting on my couch looking through Pinterest, enjoying my Friday, not having work and all...when I realized I probably should be updating my blog with all this free time that I have haha. Well February was a very busy month...ugh. I didn't hate it, but it was just full of homework and things I needed to finish and get done. I did do some fun things though! Starting out, I spotted these jeans in January at
JC Penney and I couldn't stop thinking about them. I wanted them so much and of course I NEEDED them hehe. Finally at the beginning of February, I went over to Penneys again and finally purchased them. :) I was going to wait until Valentine's Day to wear them, but I just couldn't wait! I didn't end up wearing them on Valentine's Day i don't think though. I love them very much, but they did shrink a the next time I can probably wear them is when it gets warmer so I can roll them up. They look kind of small on I am wearing my little sisters pants maybe...haha but they will work out once it gets warmer! :)

Super cute polka dot jeans! I finally found them and I can't wait to wear them more often. When I was trying to plan this outfit, I wasn't sure what shirt would look good with it. That is always a problem I have. I always see cute items, but I never know what I should wear with them. Well, then I remembered this shirt I got from
Down East Basics. It was perfect! I love this shirt. It is super soft and flowy. I just wish there was a way to prevent yellow stains in our white shirts! Don't you agree?
More outfits are soon to come! Hope you liked this cute Valentine's Day set! Love you lots, until next time!
emily sarah ♥
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